Built-in Folder Synchronization
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    Built-in Folder Synchronization

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    Article summary

    Some features available only in version 9.1 Beta
    This article describes some monitor features that are only available in ControlUp Real-Time DX version 9.1 beta.

    From version 9.0, the synchronization of folders and machines from your AVD or EUC environments, such as CVAD, Horizon, and Citrix Cloud, is built into the Real-Time DX Console. This means that you no longer need to use the PowerShell-based sync script to synchronize your environments with the real-time organization tree. From version 9.1 beta, folder mappings are also included in the built-in sync feature.


    • Monitors must run version 9.0

    • User actions to be allowed in the ControlUp Security Policy:

      • Add Folder

      • Add Machine

      • Remove Folder

      • Remove Machine

    • Monitors need to have an active connection to the cloud and EUC environments as the monitors that monitor the connections are responsible for automatically synchronizing the organization tree.

    Enable Built-in Synchronization

    Note: We advise choosing a single method for folder synchronization to avoid conflicts. Should you decide to use the built-in synchronization feature, ensure you are not also using a scheduled trigger for the PowerShell script. If any scheduled triggers for the sync script are active, disable or remove them before activating built-in synchronization.

    To enable built-in synchronization:

    1. Right-click on a connection under your organization's folder. Select Connection Settings and click Edit Sync Options.

        Edit Sync Options

    2. Check the Enable built-in synchronization option and adjust your synchronization settings as necessary.

        Enable Built-in Synchronization

    3. Optionally, consider the following adjustments:

      1. Check Include existing computers to enable computer movements between any folders. Unchecked, only machines within the synced Cloud Connection/EUC Environment folders can be moved; those outside remain untouched.

      2. Adjust the Run synchronization every (X) hour(s):Sets the frequency of the synchronization. In the GUI, the minimum value is one hour. However, you can use PowerShell to set this to a lower interval.

      3. Modify the Remove machine when absent more than (X) hour(s) setting as needed. Machines not found in the source path after the specified duration will be automatically removed.

    Select folders to synchronized

    If you want to synchronize only specific folders, such as AVD resource groups, Horizon Desktop Pools or Citrix Delivery Groups, you can do so by changing the settings in the Folders tab:

    1. Make sure you connected to the extension in the console. Navigate to the Folders tab and select the checkboxes of the folders you want to synchronize.


    2. To sync DNS, site mappings, or folder mappings, follow these steps:

    3. Confirm your choices by clicking OK in the Sync popup, then again in the Cloud Connection popup.

    4. Right-click the connection mentioned in step 1 and select Sync Folder. A Cloud Connections Sync folder will be created under your organization's folder, containing the synchronized structure of folders and machines from the cloud connections.


    Sync DNS mappings

    You can map the names of folders or FQDN of machines to another DNS suffix. Add a comma as a separator, followed by the DNS.


    • You can enter free text and a wildcard (0 or *) for each mapping pattern. Both 0 and * records are treated equally. 

    • You must enter a valid DNS for each mapping pattern.

    • If you define several mappings, first enter more specific names, and then more general names.

    • If any folder or machine matches multiple DNS mapping records, the more specific name will be applied to it.

    Note that if you change a DNS mapping in the Sync popup, it won’t be updated for machines or folders that are already synced in the folder tree. You must first remove existing machines or folders from the tree, right-click the connection from step 1 above, and click Sync Folder to add them with the updated DNS mapping settings.

    To configure DNS mappings:

    1. Follow step 1 above and click the Mappings tab.

    2. In the DNS mappings text box, enter folder or machine mapping patterns as needed. Consider this example:

      Line 1 changes the DNS entry for all machines matching the pattern “Test” to “avdtest.domain”.

      Line 2 changes the DNS entry for all machines in the folder “scoutbees” to “scoutbees.com”.

    3. Click OK in the Sync popup and click OK in the Cloud Connection popup.

    4. Right-click the connection from step 1 and click Sync Folder. The folder or machine is added under your Cloud Connections Sync folder:


    Sync Site mappings

    You can map the names of folders or FQDN of machines to ControlUp Monitor sites. Add a comma as a separator, followed by the name of a ControlUp site.


    • You can enter free text and a wildcard (0 or *) for each mapping pattern. Both 0 and * records are treated equally. 

    • You must enter a valid site name for each mapping pattern.

    • If you define several mappings, first enter more specific names, and then more general names.

    • If any folder or machine matches multiple site mapping records, the more specific name will be applied to it.

    Note that if you change a site mapping in the Sync popup, it won’t be updated for machines or folders that are already synced in the folder tree. You must first remove existing machines or folders from the tree, right-click the connection from step 1 above, and click Sync Folder to add them with the updated site mapping settings.

    To configure Site mappings:

    1. Follow step 1 above and click the Mappings tab.

    2. In the Site mappings text box, enter folder or machine mapping patterns as needed. Consider this example:

      Line 1 places all machines matching the pattern “User\QA” (such as org\User\QA\Ctx-Cloud-01) to the test site.

      Line 2 places all machines in the folder “Cloud Connectors” to the test site.

      Line 3 places all machines matching the pattern “qa-bl*” (such as qa-bl01) the default site.

    3. Click OK in the Sync popup and click OK in the Cloud Connection popup.

    4. Right-click the connection from step 1 and click Sync Folder. The folder or machine is added under your Cloud Connections Sync folder.

    5. To verify that the folders or machines have been added to the site, in the Data Sources tab of the Sites and Monitors - Configuration Wizard, open the site populated with the mapped folders or machines under the Cloud Connections Sync folder.

    Sync Folder mappings

    From version 9.1 beta, you can map the names of folders or FQDN of machines to a specific folder path. Add a comma as a separator, followed by a folder path.


    • You can enter free text and a wildcard (0 or *) for each mapping pattern. Both 0 and * records are treated equally.

    • You must enter a valid folder path name for each mapping pattern. If the folder path does not exist, it will be created automatically after you run the first sync.

    • If you define several mappings, first enter more specific names, and then more general names.

    • If any folder or machine matches multiple folder mapping records, the more specific name will be applied to it.

    Note that if you change a folder mapping in the Sync popup, it won’t be updated for machines or folders that are already synced in the folder tree. You must first remove existing machines or folders from the tree, right-click the connection from step 1 above, and click Sync Folder to add them with the updated folder mapping settings.

    To configure Folder mappings:

    1. Follow step 1 above and click the Mappings tab.

    2. In the Folder mappings text box, enter folder or machine mapping patterns as needed. Consider this example:

    Line 1 places all machines matching the pattern “BF-CTX” to the folder path “controlup dem\ny datacenter\virtual servers”.

    1. Click OK in the Sync popup and click OK in the Cloud Connection popup.

    2. Right-click the connection from step 1 and click Sync Folder. The folder or machine is added to the folder path under your Cloud Connections Sync folder.

    Sync non-domain joined AVD machines

    To sync non-domain joined AVD machines with your folders:

    1. Right-click on a connection under your organization folder, select Add, and click Cloud Connection.

    2. Enter the Tenant ID, select the Credentials of the non-domain joined AVD machine you want to join, and click Add.

    3. Select a machine to add as a data collection agent:


    4. Click OK in the Add data collection popup and click OK in the Cloud Connection window.

    5. The Cloud Connection popup confirms the discovery of one Azure subscription, click OK in the Sync window and click OK in the Cloud Connection window. The new cloud connection appears under your Cloud Connections folder.

    6. To verify that all child folders have been added, after the new cloud connection connects, right-click on it, select Connection Settings, click Edit Sync Options, and click the Folders tab. The connection is populated with the child folders:


    7. Click OK in the Sync window, click OK in the Cloud Connection window, right-click the connection from step 1 above, and select Sync Folder. The Cloud Connections Sync folder is populated with the non-domain joined AVD machine showing the DNS suffix:


    Change Synchronization Interval via PowerShell

    The console allows setting the synchronization interval to a minimum of one hour. If you require more frequent synchronization for your AVD or EUC environments, this can be accomplished using the Set-EUCSyncConfig cmdlet.

    1. Log in to one of your ControlUp monitors and open a PowerShell prompt.

    2. Import the ControlUp PowerShell User module by running the following cmdlets:
      $pathToUserModule = (Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files\Smart-X\ControlUpMonitor\*ControlUp.PowerShell.User.dll" -Recurse | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).FullName

      Import-Module $pathToUserModule

    3. Execute Get-EUCSyncConfig to review your current sync configuration.

    4. Identify and copy the ExtensionObjectId of the extension you like to configure.

    5. Use the copied ObjectGuid in the following cmdlet, setting the Interval to your desired value in minutes (minimum value is 5 minutes):
      Set-EUCSyncConfig -ObjectGuid "e2ca240f-6f15-4c55-9e72-55b0c262ee0d" -Interval 5

    6. Wait approximately one minute, then open the Sync Config in the console to verify the update. The Interval value should now be grayed out.
      Note: After modifying the interval via PowerShell, any subsequent changes must also be made through PowerShell.


    Be aware that setting a lower synchronization interval may increase the performance overhead on the monitors.

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