Change the AD Group for ControlUp On-Premises Console Access
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    Change the AD Group for ControlUp On-Premises Console Access

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    Article Summary

    Change the AD Group for ControlUp On-Premises Console Access.

    When you install ControlUp On-Premises Server you are asked to provide an Active Directory group to manage access to the ControlUp Console. After installation, you may wish to change this group.

    The Active Directory group that you chose can be found in the file C:\Program Files\Smart-X\ControlUp Server\Server Settings\ServerSettings.XML located on the On-Premises Server.

    In order to change the group, you must open this file, change the group name, and update the group SID:3600002769252018-02-0614-50-58.jpg

    To find an AD groups SID, open an elevated powershell prompt from a system that has the AD powershell components installed and type the following command: Get-ADgroup <AD Group Name>

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