Create an EUC Scout
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    Create an EUC Scout

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    Article summary

    You can create an EUC Scout to test resources through the following EUC gateways.

    • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops - NetScaler Gateway
    • Citrix Cloud Gateway
    • Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops - Storefront
    • Omnissa Horizon (formerly VMware Horizon) UAG
    • VMware Workspace One
    • VMware Security Server
    • Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (click here to watch our Academy training video about the AVD Scout)

    Create an EUC Scout

    1. In the Scoutbees top bar, select Create Scout to open the Add New Scout window.

    1. From the EUC tab, choose the location (Hive) from which you want to test the resource.

      1. Select the type of Hive (Cloud or Custom).
      2. Select the Hive. EUC Scouts can only run from a single Hive. Note that Citrix Storefront Scouts can run only from Custom Hives, and require you to enable WebSockets connections. Click here for more information.
    2. Enter the gateway information.

      1. Select the Gateway type from the dropdown.
      2. Enter the Address of the gateway. This is the same address a user would use to access the gateway. Note that you don't need to enter an address for a Microsoft Entra ID Scout because the address is the same for all users.
    3. Enter the gateway login credentials.

      1. If a domain is required, enter the Domain.
      2. Enter the Username and Password. If you edit the Scout to run from a new location (for example, an additional Custom Hive), then you must re-enter the password.
      3. If the login credentials require MFA, select the MFA method from the dropdown. To learn more about how to configure MFA, visit Multi-Factor Authentication.
    SAML integration with Okta

    EUC Scouts can log into Citrix and VMware gateways that use SAML integration with Okta for authentication.

    1. Select the resource that the Scout accesses and tests.

      1. Select Get Resources. The Scout uses the gateway and login information you entered to get a list of available resources.
      2. After the Scout gets a list of resources, select a resource with the dropdown.
    2. Select how often you want to test the resource with the Run Every option.

    3. Enter a Name for your Scout.

    4. Optionally, attach Labels to your Scout. Labels are key-value pairs which can be used to organize your Scouts. To learn more about labels, visit Scout Labels.

    5. Optionally, configure Additional Parameters for your Scout. The options available here depend on the type of gateway the Scout accesses.

      • Session Timeout. Sets the maximum wait time for the session to be fully ready. If the test takes longer than this time, it fails.
      • Connection Timeout. Sets the maximum wait time for the connection phase to the resource's session. If the connection phase takes longer than this time, it fails.
      • Enable Baseline Session Screenshot. Sets whether to take session screenshots, which can be used to compare the image a known baseline screenshot. For more information, see Baseline Session Screenshot.
      • Login Attempts. Sets the number of logins that the Scout attempts before declaring the test a fail.
      • Check Network Path Performance. Sets whether to check the network path to the destination. If enabled, you can set the network Timeout, and the minimum and maximum time to live (TTL). The test fails if the network path is not within your set parameters.
      • Authentication (only Citrix Storefront Scouts). Sets whether to access a Citrix Storefront with no username or password (unauthenticated).
      • Dynamic flow (only Citrix and VMware Scouts). Sets whether to use a form-based browser login method instead of the broker API. You can try enabling this option if your Scouts are having authentication problems. Note that if dynamic flow is enabled in your Custom Hive configuration, then Scouts running from that Custom Hive use dynamic flow regardless of what you set in the Scout configuration.
      • Different Windows Login Credential (only Microsoft Entra ID Scouts). Sets whether to use different login credentials for the Azure gateway and the Windows session. If selected, enter the Windows login credentials here.
    6. Click Next: Alert Policy to set up alerts and notifications on the Scout before saving it. For more information, see Alert Policies.

    Test Results

    Wait for the first test results after you create your EUC Scout. Click a test to see more information.

    You see a session screenshot, Scout details, and the duration of each of the connection steps, along with the total time until the session is ready.

    Hover over a connection step to show the step duration.

    The Ready connection step consists of sub-steps, including:

    • Checking that resource is available.
    • Accepting connections.
    • The server processing the session and releasing control to the Scout.

    If you enabled Check Network Path Performance when creating the Scout, you can see the network path with details for each hop.


    If your Citrix or VMware Scouts are having problems authenticating and accessing your gateway, try enabling Dynamic flow. If the Scout is running from a Cloud Hive, this option is enabled in the Scout configuration. If the Scout is running from a Custom Hive, this option is enabled in the Custom Hive configuration.

    You can get debugging logs for a Scout running from a Custom Hive to help identify the cause of problems. If you need to create a support request with ControlUp Suport, then you should send the debugging logs for the Scout that is not working correctly. For details, visit Debugging Logs.

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