Employees View Overview
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    Employees View Overview

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    Article summary

    Use the Employees section of ControlUp's DEX platform to monitor employee activity and quality of experience.

    Employee scoring

    An employee's experience is classified as perfect, good, fair, or poor based on their experience score, which ranges from 0-10:

    • Perfect = 10
    • 7 < Good < 10
    • 3 < Fair <= 7
    • 0 <= Poor <= 3

    The experience score is calculated using scoring profiles. ControlUp provides default profiles or you can create your own. Classifying experience as fair or poor is based on time thresholds (by default, 5%) instead of using the average score. You can customize the thresholds to make experience classification more or less sensitive to brief periods with decreased experience. Learn more about these thresholds.

    Employees using devices with the Edge DX Agent are automatically identified and appear in the Employees dashboards. Learn more about employee identification.




    On most pages, you can apply filters to show data only from specific devices (for example, devices belong to a certain device tag).

    Add global filters to employees.png

    The Overview page shows employee experience across your whole environment. This page can answer questions like:

    • How many unique applications are being used?
    • Was employee experience in the HR department this week better or worse than the week before?
    • What were the most common issues for employees in the HR department last week?


    Experience over time

    The Experience Over Time widget shows the number of employees broken down by their experience.

    Click the dropdown at the top-right of the widget and select Comparison to compare the experience with the previous period. The previous period is based on your currently selected time period at the top-right of the page. For example, if you have selected "This month", then data from the previous month is overlayed on the widget so that you can compare the two months. You can hover over a data point to see a detailed comparison. In the image below, the comparison shows that between October 22 and November 22, the number of employees with a good experience is up by 50%.


    You can click and drag on the chart to zoom in to a specific time period.

    Problem Areas

    The Problem Areas widget shows how many times an incident relating to each metric or event occured. An incident is recorded any time an employee meets an experience score rule that is based on the relevant metric or event.

    Click on an App Crash incident to open a blade that shows which apps crashed and which employees were affected. The blade is fully interactive, allowing you to filter by employee or application, and click on an employee's name to see detailed information for that employee in the relevant time frame in a new tab. You can use the arrows next to the date in the top-right of the page to go to the next or previous day with a recorded app crash incident.


    The Location page shows the number of employees working in each city.

    Click on a location to see number of employees with a good, fair, and poor experience score in that location. Click on a number of employees to see the list of employees.

    drill down from locations page.png

    If you zoom out on the map, data from multiple cities is combined. To drill down to the list of employees in a city, you must zoom in so that only a single city is displayed.

    Multiple cities.png


    Use the Details page to see details for all individual employees in your environment.

    Click on an employee in the grid to drill down into the details for that employee and their experience score and activity.

    Experience over time

    The Experience over time widget displays the employee's experience and activity throughout the time period selected at the top-right of the page.

    If an employee had no incidents during a certain time frame in the widget, then their experience is Perfect, and the employee activity data below that time frame is gray, indicating that there were no incidents.


    If an employee had one or more incidents affecting their experience during a certain time frame in the widget, then their experience is Good, Fair, or Poor, depending on your scoring settings. The employee activity data below that time frame lets you quickly see the reason for the reduced experience. If a row is colored, it means that there was an incident related to that row. The row's color indicates the severity of the incident (green for Good, orange for Fair, and red for Poor).

    You can hover over any colored item in the widget to quickly see more information about the incidents.


    The Experience over time widget contains the following rows:

    • Experience - The employee's experience score (perfect, good, fair, or poor) during the time interval. You can hover over the experience score to see a more detailed breakdown of the employee's score within that time frame. You can also click on the experience score to drill down into the Insights page.ExperienceHover.png
    • Incidents - Application crashes/freezes/hangs or BSODs. To see which applications were affected, drill down into the Insights page.
    • Activity - Device power events such as shutdown or restart, and actions performed from Edge DX such as scripts or remote control sessions.
    • Devices - The name of the device used by the employee. You can click on the device name to drill down into the details for the device.
    • State - Session states such as idle, active, disconnected, and locked.
    • Network - The type of network connection (wired vs. wireless) and the SSID name.
    • Location - The employee's geolocation. Learn more about how device location is determined.
    • Applications - The application (web or desktop) used. Note that only SaaS and web applications that are monitored by ControlUp for Apps can record incidents. Click here for more details. You can click on an application with incidents to drill down and see more details.

    Experience score insights

    Click on an experience score in the Experience over time widget to open the Insights overlay.

    • The Experience section displays the time overall score, the time spent with each score, and a visual representation of the proportion of time spent with each score.
    • The Devices section displays basic information about the device used. If multiple devices were used, then you can use the dropdown to switch between them. To view more details about the selected device, click More details.
    • The Top Processes section displays the top processes by overall CPU or RAM consumption during the time period. This widget includes only processes consuming at least 5% CPU/RAM.
    • The Score over time widget displays a graph of the employee's experience score over time.
    • The Experience Contributors displays all incidents that contributed to the employee's reduced experience score. The percentage next to each incident is is the percentage of the total score reduction due to that incident.
    • The Incidents and Activity section displays device events such as unlock and restart, and application crashes/hangs/freezes.

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