Export Settings
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    Export Settings

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    Article summary

    You can use the ControlUp Real-Time DX Console or the ControlUp Monitor to automatically create a CSV file that contains all real-time information of a specific grid.


    We recommend that you use PowerShell cmdlets to export information.

    Create an Export Rule

    You can add a new export rule for the monitor to use with the following ways:

    Create a New Export Rule in PowerShell

    You can use the Add-CUScheduledExportRule to add a new export rule.

    PowerShell Cmdlets

    You can utilize PowerShell cmdlets to interact with export rules. Learn more here.

    Create a New Export Rule in the Console

    To use the export scheduler in the console, navigate to Settings > Export Schedule and follow the steps described in the section below. Keep in mind that if you choose to use the export schedule in the console settings (instead of the monitor settings), data will only be exported when a console is running within your ControlUp organization, regardless of the user.

    In the console, navigate to Settings > Monitors > Monitors Settings > Export Schedule and click Add Export Rule

    In this window, you can configure a new export rule. The following options are available:

    Export ViewThe name of the view you see in the Real-Time DX Console. Possible values are Folders, Hosts, Machines, Sessions, Processes, Accounts, Accounts, Applications
    Days of the weekThe days of the week on which the export rule should be executed
    Start timeTime of day when the export rule should begin execution
    End timeTime of day at which the export rule will stop running
    IntervalInterval at which the export rule will run
    Output folderThe exported files can be saved either locally on the monitor machine or to a UNC path
    Delete files older than

    Retention period for old export files

    Include association columns (for 3rd party integrations)

    Includes hidden columns for internal use when expanding the export file

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