Machine Usage Trends Report
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    Machine Usage Trends Report

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    Article summary

    New Data Pipeline

    The Machine Usage Trends report is from the new data pipeline. For details on the new data pipeline for reports and how to view historical reports, see VDI and DaaS Reports.

    The Machine Usage Trends report shows historical information about usage trends for monitored machines by summarizing performance metrics. It also offers recommendations for optimal resource allocation. To drill down to this report, click a machine name in the Data per Machine grid at the bottom of the Sizing Recommendations report.

    Use the report to answer questions such as:

    • What was the average CPU usage of the machine today?
    • What was the maximum memory usage of the machine yesterday?
    • When did the machine consume the most disk space?

    Report Functionality

    The report provides the following functionalities:

    • You can click a data point in the charts to view the average, minimum of average, maximum of average, and 95th percentile values for each data series, machine utilization range, and the process names of the top consumers.
    • You can click a process name to view the App Trends report of the process on the selected machine.
    • You can click a data series name on the bottom of the chart to highlight or toggle the series on the charts.

    Resource Allocation Recommendations

    The report provides the following metrics that you can use to make the optimal resource allocations for the selected machine:

    • Assigned CPUs. Amount of CPUs currently assigned to the machine.
    • Suggested CPUs. Amount of CPUs suggested to assign to the machine.
    • CPU Recommendation. Amount of CPUs recommended to add or remove, based on machine configuration and recent CPU usage.
    • Assigned Memory. Amount of memory currently assigned to the machine.
    • Suggested Memory. Amount of memory suggested to assign to the machine.
    • Memory Recommendation. Amount of memory (GB) recommended to add or remove, based on machine configuration and recent memory usage.

    The report includes the following additional metrics for Azure mode only:

    • Assigned AZ VM Size. Azure VM size currently assigned to the machine.
    • Suggested AZ VM Size. Azure VM size suggested to assign to the machine.
    • Assigned Azure Disk Size. Azure disk size currently assigned to the machine.
    • Suggested Azure Disk Size. Azure disk size suggested to assign to the machine.

    Machine Performance

    The report displays the following performance charts:

    • CPU Usage Trends. Compare the average, P100 (maximum of average), and P95 (95th percentile) of CPU usage trends over the last 30 days.
    • Memory Usage Trends. Compare the average, P100 (maximum of average), and P95 (95th percentile) of memory usage trends over the last 30 days.
    • Disk Free Space Trends. Compare the minimum of minimum daily average and the minimum of average of disk free space trends over the last 30 days.

    The report includes the following additional chart for Azure mode only:

    • Disk I/O Utilization. Compare the maximum of maximum daily average, maximum of average, and P95 (95th percentile, IOPS) of disk free space trends over the last 30 days.

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