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Publish and Distribute Surveys
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This article covers how to publish and distribute surveys.
To publish a survey, go to Surveys > Add New Survey to open the survey creation wizard.
The configuration options in the survey creation wizard are described below under the relevant section.
1 - Name the survey
Provide a name for the survey. Note that the name you enter here is used only when you are managing the survey from Edge DX. It is not visible to survey responders.
2 - Content
Choose which Template you want to publish and distribute. The template you choose determines all of the content that is visible to survey responders.
Learn how to create survey Templates.
3 - Type
When you create a Single or Recurring survey, the survey information is saved on the targeted device. The survey will appear at the scheduled time even if the device does not have internet access or is not connected to your Edge DX tenant.
A Single survey is sent only once within a specified time frame. To configure a Single survey:
- Specify the date and time that the survey is sent.
- Select whether you want to define a time according to each individual device's local timezone, or according to UTC. If you select UTC, then the survey will be sent to all devices simultaneously.
- Set a start date and expiration date for the survey. The survey is sent to all devices at the Start Date. If a device powers on between the start date and the expiration date, then it receives the survey right away. If a device powers on after the expiration date, then it doesn't receive the survey.
- In the Retries section, choose how often and for how long to remind users to complete the survey. If a user dismisses the notification to complete the survey, they will receive another notification at the Interval between retries. Survey notifications will continue to appear at that interval for the specified Number of days. After the set number of days has passed since the first survey notification, the user is no longer recieves a notification to complete the survey.
A Recurring survey is sent regularly at a specified interval. To configure a Recurring survey:
Select a Start Date. After this date and time, the survey will be sent according to the schedule you set in the next steps. The start date also determines the time of day that the survey appears. You can choose to define a start time according to each device's local timezone or according to UTC. If you select UTC, then the survey will appear for all devices simultaneously.
Select whether the survey repeats on a weekly or monthly schedule and choose which day of the week or month to send the survey.
With the Instance duration slider, set how long the survey lasts after each time it occurs. For example, if you send a survey every Monday with an Instance duration of 2 days, then a user can still complete the survey on Tuesday because it is within the instance duration. On Thursday, the instance duration has ended and a user can't complete the survey until the next time they receive the survey.
In the Retries section, choose how often users are reminded to complete the survey. If a user dismisses the notification to complete the survey, they will receive another notification after the Interval between retries. Survey notifications will continue to appear at that interval until the specified Number of days has passed. After the set number of days has passed since the first survey notification, the user is no longer recieves a notification to complete the survey
Select when the recurring survey ends:
- Never - The survey never ends, unless you manually end the survey.
- Date - The survey ends after the specified date and time.
- After several occurences - The survey endswill end after it has been sent a specified number of times.
On Demand
On Demand surveys can be manually sent to a device, or triggered due to an alert.
To manually send a survey, open the action menu for a device, and go to Actions > Survey and select from the list of on demand surveys. The list is organized according to the category of the template used to create the survey.
To automatically send a survey to a device as a result of an alert activating on the device, select an on demand survey in the Actions section when configuring an alert. Learn more about alerts.
Indentified vs. anonymous surveys
For all survey types (single, recurring, on demand), you can set whether survey responses are identified or anonymous.
- Identified surveys record information about the user and device that completed the survey. A tooltip in the survey response window informs participants that their responses are not anonymous (for Agent version 2.14, the message appears in red at the top of the survey).
- Anonymous surveys don't record any information about the user or device that completed the survey. There is also no way to trace responses to different survey questions back to a single anonymous respondant. For example, you can't see that a single anonymous respondant answered "yes" to question #1, "no" to question #2, etc.
For details on viewing survey results, click here.
4 - Target who receives the survey
This section appears only if you are creating a Single or Recurring survey.
In this section, decide who receives the survey by targeting either Users or Devices. You might want to target users if multiple people are using the same device and you want to ensure that all users on the device receive the survey.
- If you target Users, then the survey appears for each user that sign in. By default, the survey will appear for the same user multiple times if they sign in from multiple devices. If you enable Once per User, then the survey can be completed by a user only once, even if they sign in from multiple devices. (once the user completes it on one device, it won't appear on any other device for that user).
- If you target devices, then the survey appears once for each device.
Select a Percentage of users/devices to receive the survey. For example, if you set the percentage to 50%, then half of all users/devices that meet your inclusion and exclusion rules will receive the survey (randomly selected). Note that for recurring surveys, a new random selection is chosen every time the survey is sent.
Include and exclude users/devices
In the section Show the Survey to the following users/devices:, you can add inclusion and exclusion rules to which users or devices receive the survey. By default the survey targets All Users/Devices.
Inclusion and exclusion rules all act as OR conditions. For example, if you include devices by specifying tags and groups, then a device will receive the survey if it is one of the groups or has one of the tags.
If you have configured global exclusion rules in the User Sentiment settings page, then they override any rules that you configure in the survey settings. For example, if the VIP
device group is globally excluded from surveys, then those devices will not receive any surveys, even if you specifically target the VIP
device group in the survey settings.
Exclusion rules always take precedence over inclusion rules. This means that if a user/device meets the inclusion rules and the exlusion rules, then the user/device will not receive the survey.
5 - Review and Save
In this section, you can save the survey as a draft, or you can publish the survey.
- If you save the survey as a draft, the survey will not be delivered to any users, and you can continue to work on the survey later.
- If you save and publish the survey, then the survey is live and will be delivered to users when its activation conditions are met.