Remote DX Support Matrix
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    Remote DX Support Matrix

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    Article summary

    Monitor remote client devices for the following systems and versions when they are logged into your virtual network.

    Visit our Download Center to download the latest version of the plug-ins.

    For details on the deployment instructions for each operating system, click the relevant links below.

    Operating SystemVMware Horizon ClientCitrix ReceiverMicrosoft AVD
    (Windows IoT is not supported)

    Version 10 & higher - 64 bit

    Version 10 & higher - 32 and 64 bit

    Versions 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7 - 64 bit
    Version 10.13.6 & higher

    HP ThinPro
    Version 7.2 & higher
    HP ThinPro on VMware article

    HP ThinPro on Citrix article
    Version 11.x & higher

    IGEL on VMware article

    IGEL on Citrix article
    Stratodesk NoTouch

    Version 3.4.195 & higher

    Dell Wyse
    Version 2211 (9.3.3099) & higher
    Version 2411 & higher

    Distributed via 10ZiG manager version 16.3.33 & higher

    Unicon eLux Remote DX Installation

    eLux RP OS version 6 and higher



    * These plug-ins have not been fully tested by the ControlUp team and might not be as stable as our fully supported Remote DX integrations. This means that our support team can't commit to standard resolution times if any issues arise needing their attention.

    There is currently no documentation for the deployment of this plug-in. You can use the Edge DX integration to monitor 10ZiG devices.

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