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    Article Summary

    This article describes how to define a schedule when you create a Template or start a manual remediation. The schedule determines when the scan or remediation occurs (the day and the time of day).


    The schedule interval determines on which days the action occurs.

    • Daily - The action occurs every day.
    • Weekly - The action on the selected days of the week.
    • Monthly - The action occurs on the selected day of the month.

    schedule interval.png

    Time frames

    The time frame determines the time of day that the action occurs. The action is performed on all online devices at the beginning of the time frame. If a device comes online during the time frame, then the action is performed immediately on that device. If a device does not come online during the time frame, then the action is not performed on the device.

    Add multiple time frames

    If you add more than one time frame, then Secure DX attempts to perform the action multiple times throughout the day. Note that Secure DX performs an action on a single device only once per day, even if the device is online during multiple time frames.

    For example, the following schedule has two time frames:

    multiple time frames example.png

    • If a device is online throughout the entire day, then the action is performed during the first time frame and the action is not performed on again on that device during the second time frame.
    • If a device is offline during the first time frame and comes online at 9pm, then the action is performed during the second time frame.

    Time zones

    To set the time frame according to each device's local time zone, select Use device's local time.

    To set the time frame according to UTC, deselect Use device's local time. The the action is performed simultaneously for all devices regardless of their local time zone.

    use local time.png

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