Setting up a Schedule Task for Backing Up IOP Activity Files.
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    Setting up a Schedule Task for Backing Up IOP Activity Files.

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    Article Summary

    IOP activity files fill up your hard drive and you do not want to archieve them manually? Then this article is for you! We have a backup script that does this for your automatically.
    The following guidelines show you how to create a Windows task that runs our Powershell backup script automatically.


    This article is relevant for On-Premises customers only!


    1. You must set up the scheduled task on your IOP server.
    2. You must run the task scheduler as the IOP Admin user. This is the admin user that you set up in the IOP deployment
    3. You need 7-Zip or the command line version 7za.exe installed. You can download 7-Zip from here.
    4. Download and save the script attached to this article to your IOP server.


    1. Press Windows + R and type taskschd.msc.

    2. In the Actions pane on the right, click Create Task.

    3. In the Create Task wizard, provide the following information in the General tab:

      Task Name. This name will be displayed as the task name.
      Description. A short description that describes the task's functionality.

      Check Run whether user is logged on or not and Run with highest privileges
      You can configure the task to be configured for your OS.

    4. In the Triggers tab, click New .
      Configure the scheduler according to your needs. Here, we want the task to be executed every midnight.

    5. In the Actions tab, click New.
      Under Action, select the Start a program
      In the Program/script field, type PowerShell
      Add arguments will be based on your choosing. The script includes a synopsis which explains how to use the script. In this example, we archive the activity files in the configured activity file share and remove the original files to save space in the backup directory:

         C:\Archive-Files.ps1 -username admin -password P@ssw0rd -DeleteSource

      Start in is optional but over here since the script is located in C:\ , I've placed it as a pointer.

    6. Press OK to get prompted to enter the credentials of the user that you set up in Step 3.

    To test if everything is working, right-click the task and select Run.


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