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Shell Execution Scout
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You can create a Shell Execution Scout that executes a user-defined shell command from a Custom Hive. This allows you to use Scoutbees to automatically perform custom scripted actions.
You must allow Custom Hives to run Shell Execution Scouts before creating the Scout. To do so, follow these steps:
Open the Custom Hive configuration window on the machine where the Custom Hive is installed.
Select the Advanced tab.
Select Allow shell execution scouts.
Create a Shell Execution Scout
In the Scoutbees top bar, click Create Scout to open the Add New Scout window.
From the Infrastructure tab, select Shell Execution as the Scout Type.
Select the locations (Hives) from which you want to run the shell command. This Scout can only be run from Custom Hives.
Enter a Name for the Scout.
Enter the process name of the command line interpreter in the Command field.
Enter the command line arguments in the Arguments field.
Select how often you want the Scout to execute the shell command with the Run Every slider.
Optionally, Add labels to your Scout. Labels are key-value pairs that you can use to organize your Scouts. To learn more about labels, visit Scout Labels.
Click Show additional parameters to configure the following:
- Working Directory. Sets the working directory where the command line interpreter can be found.
- Timeout. Sets the maximum wait time for the Scout to finish executing the command.
- Exit Codes. Sets a range of exit codes that the Scout considers successful. You can add multiple ranges.
Click Next: Alert Policy to set up alerts and notifications on the Scout before saving it. For more information, visit Alert Policies.
Test Results
After you have saved the Scout, await the results of the first tests. You can view the results by clicking View All Tests.
A list of all completed tests is displayed. Click a test to see the details of the shell execution.
In the Test Details window, you can see the executable and arguments, as well as the returned exit code and standard output (STDOUT Body) of the test.