Solve On-Premises 8.7: Hyphen in the hostname or domain of SOP server is missing
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    Solve On-Premises 8.7: Hyphen in the hostname or domain of SOP server is missing

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    Article Summary


    If you use a hyphen in the Hostname and/or DNS Domain field of a URL, for example, SOP-VM, the hyphen will be cut off in the server's real FQDN in Solve On-Premises (SOP) version 8.8.


    This problem affects all current versions of SOP.


    1. Secure Shell (SSH) into the SOP machine that has the hostname and/or DNS domain without the hyphen.

    2. Run the following two commands to replace the hostname and DNS domain characters:

      sudo sed -i '/HOST_NAME=$(SanitizeHostname $USER_HOST_NAME)/c\HOST_NAME=$USER_HOST_NAME' /opt/scripts/
      sudo sed -i '/DNS_DOMAIN=$(SanitizeHostname $USER_DNS_DOMAIN)/c\DNS_DOMAIN=$USER_DNS_DOMAIN' /opt/scripts/
    3. Reboot the machine.

    The ovf-env.xml, located under /opt/cdrom, contains Solve environmental variables, such as hostname, DNS domain, and other network information.

    1. Run the following command to verify that the hostname and DNS domain are saved with a hyphen.

      grep hostname /opt/cdrom/ovf-env.xml
      grep domain /opt/cdrom/ovf-env.xml

    If the hostname and DNS domain are saved with a hyphen, the following response appears:

    Property oe:key="guestinfo.hostname" oe:value="SOP-VM"
    Property oe:key="guestinfo.domain" oe:value="my-test-domain.local"

    The SOP server runs the configuration and sets the correct hostname and/or DNS domain with the hyphen.

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