Uninstall Remote DX from macOS Devices
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Uninstall Remote DX from macOS Devices
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Uninstall Citrix Remote DX Plugin from macOS
To uninstall the Citrix Remote DX plugin from a macOS device, delete the following entries from the /Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Citrix/Modules file, as indicated below:
- cuepux.plugin
- cuepux.plugin=On
- [cuepux.plugin]
In addition, you need to delete the cuepux file from the /Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Citrix/PlugIns folder:
Uninstall VMware Remote DX Plugin from macOS
To uninstall the VMware Remote DX plugin from a macOS device:
- run this command to remove the link to the Remote DX plugin from the VMware plugins folder:
rm -f "/Applications/VMware Horizon Client.app/Contents/Frameworks/rdpvcbridge/libcuepux.dylib"
- run this command to remove the plugin files and folder:
rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/ControlUp/RemoteDX-VMWare"
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