Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Sync Script
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    Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Sync Script

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    Article Summary


    The maintenance of the CVAD sync script has been discontinued. If you're using ControlUp version 8.6.5 or higher, we recommend using the Universal sync script instead.

    Using our synchronization script, you can automatically populate the ControlUp organizational tree with your Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops environment. Our sync script is run as a Windows scheduled task so that when you add or remove machines, those changes are automatically reflected in the organizational tree in ControlUp. You don't have to make any of those changes manually. When the script is run, your ControlUp organization reflects your current Citrix VDI for monitoring and remediation.

    • The sync script is written in PowerShell and stored in our GitHub repository .
    • You set the Windows scheduled task to run the sync script on the ControlUp monitor machine.


    • The sync has to be performed on a machine which has the ControlUp monitor component installed. You can read about Adding a ControlUp Monitor.
    • The ControlUp monitor must be version or higher.
    • The user running the scripts must have a local profile on the ControlUp monitor machine. Ensure that the same user logs onto the machine at some point before running the scripts.
    • The user running the script must be an Active Directory service account that has at least read permission access to the Citrix studio.

    1. Access the scripts from our GitHub repository

    You download the sync scripts from our GitHub repository of environment scripts which also includes synchronization scripts for other environments.

    1. Download the following scripts:
    2. Copy these scripts to the machine running the ControlUp monitor. These scrips must reside in the same folder on the monitor machine.
    3. Optionally , in a PowerShell window, run this command to see the script's parameters, their descriptions, and default values:
    get-help \< *path to the file* >\CTX_Sync.ps1

    Here are the parameters in the sync script CTX_Sync.ps1. These are the parameters to assign when adding the argument in step 2.Set up a Windows Scheduled Task.

    FolderPath*Mandatory. The target folder in the ControlUp organizational tree to save these objects.
    Displays the expected results without committing any changes to the ControlUp environment.
    Enables the script to execute removing objects from the ControlUp organizational tree. Use with the preview parameter to see the proposed changes before making them.
    Specify a text file to log the output. Can be used for debugging and with the preview parameter to see the proposed changes. Log data is appended to this file with each run of the script.
    Specify a ControlUp Monitor site to assign the objects. Default value: default
    BrokersA list of Brokers to contact for Delivery Groups and Computers to sync. Specify multiple brokers in a comma-separated list.
    These Brokers act as
    delivery controllers and know what resources are available for which users. 

    If you have multiple different Citrix environments, for example, you may have multiple Brokers for testing and production environments, we recommend listing the multiple Brokers and using the addBrokersToControlUp parameter.


    Include only these specific Delivery Groups to be added to the ControlUp tree. Specify multiple Delivery Groups in a comma-separated list.
    - If you do not enter a value here, all detected Delivery Groups are captured and updated in the ControlUp tree.

    - Wild cards values are supported. For example: specify "Epic*" to include both "Epic North" and "Epic South".

    - If you enter values for excludeDeliveryGroup parameter, the 'exclude' supersedes any values entered here and will not 'include' them.


    Exclude specific delivery groups from being added to the ControlUp tree. Specify multiple Delivery Groups to exclude in a comma-separated list.

    - Wild cards values are supported. For example: specify "*CGY" to exclude both "Epic CGY" and "Cerner CGY".

    - If you enter values for includeDeliveryGroup, this 'exclude' supersedes any values entered there and will not 'include' them.

    addBrokersToControlUpAdd brokers to the ControlUp Tree. This optional parameter can be specified if you prefer this script to add broker machines as they are detected. If this parameter is omitted, then Broker machines will not be moved or added to your ControlUp tree.
    enabledOnlyInclude only Delivery Groups that are enabled.
    MatchEUCEnvTreeConfigures the script to match the same structure used by ControlUp for the EUC Environment Tree. If this parameter is omitted, the Delivery Group is added to the FolderPath. See below for details on how the structure is added to ControlUp if this parameter is enabled.
    Maximum number of items to request from a broker
    Create folders in batches rather than individually
    Force folder creation if the number exceeds the safe limit
    Smtp server to send alert emails from
    Email address to send alert email from
    Email addresses to send an alert email to
    Use SSL to send an email alert

    MatchEUCEnvTree Parameter
    If you enable this parameter in the Windows Scheduled Task argument running this sync script, any Delivery Group and Broker that is detected as added to your VDI is added to ControlUp as follows:

    $SiteName -|  
     |- Delivery Groups -| 
     ||- DG1 -|
     | |- Machine001
     |- Brokers -| 
      |- Broker001 

    Meaning that each Delivery Group is added as a separate line under a folder for Delivery Groups with each machine listed separately. And each Broker is added as a separate line under a folder for Brokers.

    This is how this structure would look in your ControlUp organizational tree.

    2. Set up a Windows Scheduled Task

    Follow the steps in this article to create the Windows Scheduled Task but be sure to also follow these instructions for this specific sync script. In the Windows Local Security Policy, ensure that this user’s role has Log on as a batch job properties.

    Run the Script as an Active Directory Account

    You must run the script as an Active Directory account that has at least read-only permission within the Citrix studio. We recommend creating a service account in your AD to run this sync script, and that AD account has to be accessible from the monitor machine.
    When scheduling to run the task, be sure to select:

    • Run whether user is logged on or not
    • Run with highest privileges

    In this example below, the user account is CONTROLUP\svc_sync_citrix created for running this script in these tasks. You can see where to select the above options.

    Create the Add Task

    Create a task for adding entities to the ControlUp organizational tree. Here's an example of the argument to use based on the parameters described above.

    -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -NoLogo -File "C:\CU Environment Sync Scripts\CTX_Sync.ps1" -folderPath "controlup demo\Virtual Desktops\XenDesktop 7.11" -logFile "C:\CU Environment Sync Scripts \CTX Sync.log" -Brokers cuxenddc01 -addBrokersToControlUp

    In this example of the argument, you can see the following parameters:

    • -folderPath - controlup demo\Virtual Desktops\XenDesktop 7.11
    • -logFile - C:\CU Environment Sync Scripts \CTX Sync.log
    • -Brokers - cuxenddc01 (only one listed)
    • -addBrokersToControlUp - included as an optional parameter

    Create the Delete Task

    Create another task for deleting from the ControlUp organizational tree any entities that have been deleted from your environment. Here's an example of the argument to use based on the parameters described above.

    -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -NoLogo -File "C:\CU Environment Sync Scripts\CTX_Sync.ps1" -folderPath "controlup demo\IL Datacenter\Virtual Desktops\XenDesktop 7.11" -logfile "C:\CU Environment Sync Scripts\CTX Sync Deletes.log" -Brokers cuxenddc01 -Delete -addBrokersToControlUp

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