Windows Remote DX Installation
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    Windows Remote DX Installation

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    Article Summary

    This article covers how to install the Remote DX plugin on Windows devices.

    For an overview of Remote DX and the client device metrics you can monitor, visit Remote DX Overview and Client Metrics.

    Citrix deployment best practices
    If you are deploying for Citrix environments, read our Best Practices for Citrix Configuration with Remote DX


    • Visit the Remote DX Support Matrix to see which versions of Windows are supported on each VDA platform.
    • Installation requires Windows administrator privileges.

    Download Remote DX

    Download the Windows Remote RX plugin for your VDA platform.

    • Go to our Download Center for all Remote DX download options.
    • Go to for a friendlier website that you can send to your users to help them install Remote DX onto their devices. This site has:
      • Fewer download options
      • Step-by-step instructions
      • Walkthrough videos

    Manual GUI Install

    1. Run the downloaded Remote DX file.
    2. In the installation wizard, select which private user data you want Remote DX to collect. If you select a metric using the checkbox, then Remote DX collects that metric.
    3. Complete the installation wizard.

    MSI Command Line Install

    To install Remote DX using the MSI installer, run the following command. Note that this example shows the command to install the Citrix plugin. You might need to change the file name to the file you downloaded.

    msiexec /i curdx-windows-citrix.msi

    Optionally, add the following parameters to the command:

    • /qn to perform a silent install.
    • Wifi=True to record the wireless network SSID.
    • Inactivity=True to record inactivity duration.
    • Location=True to record the device location.
    • Isp=True to record the ISP name of the network connection.

    For example, the following command performs a silent install and collects all private user metrics:

    msiexec /i curdx-windows-citrix.msi /qn Wifi=True Inactivity=True Location=True Isp=True

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