Get-CUActionSignature: Retrieve Action Parameters
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    Get-CUActionSignature: Retrieve Action Parameters

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    Article Summary

    You can use the Get-CUActionSignature cmdlet to obtain a list of parameters associated with a particular action. This command is helpful because it allows you to examine an action and determine which parameters can be provided to it in JSON format. The parameters included in the list are

    • Input parameters required by the action
    • Output parameters which return the results of the action


    • ControlUp version 8.8 or higher


    Get-CUActionSignature [-ActionId] <string>  [<CommonParameters>]

    Input Parameters

    The script parameters are defined in an argument array, where each parameter is identified by its index, starting from zero. For example, the first parameter is referred to as arg_0, the second parameter is arg_1, and so on.

    Input Parameters

    agentIdInternal Use. The remote machine to run the action on
    argCommand line argument for the action
    credsCredential set

    Output Parameters

    executionStatusCurrent status of the action execution. Possible values are
    • Waiting (0)
    • Running (1)
    • Aborted (2)
    • Timeout (3)
    • Success (4)
    • Error (5)
    • ExecutionError (6)
    exitCodeReturns the exit code for the action
    executionStartTimeEpoch timestamp of the start time
    executionEndTimeEpoch timestamp of the end time
    stdErrShows the error (if thrown by the action)
    stdOutReturns the output as you would see in the script output


    Example 1 - Retrieve the action signature for the Universal EUC Sync Script

    One of our most powerful scripts is the Universal EUC Sync Script which requires a couple of input parameters.

    1. Retrieve the actionID:
    $availableactions = Get-CUAvailableActions
    $actionID = $availableactions | Where-Object {$_.Title -eq 'Universal EUC Sync'} | Select-object Id
    1. Retrieve the action signature
    Get-CUActionSignature -ActionId $actionID.Id


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