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Hosts Widgets
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In the Hosts view, the Environment Assessment report shows the following resource consumption details for the unique hosts in the selected folder.
Hosts Widgets
- Hosts. You can select to view the Hosts chart according to CPU or memory. By default, CPU is selected. The chart contains three concentric rings that show the percentage of items according to AVG (average), P95 (95th percentile) and P100 (maximum of average) resource usage utilization based on daily aggregation. The P95 of resource usage is based on 5-minute granularity, representing the resource consumption level that was exceeded only 5% of the time. The P100 of resource usage represents the highest average resource consumption level that was exceeded. These metrics offer a valuable insight into your organization's performance and capacity planning.
In the Hosts chart, you can click the Insights icon to view a list of specific usage details of the hosts for the selected resource.
You can hover over a ring in the chart to show the percentage of items by stress level:
- Light Green: No stress.
- Dark Green: Low stress.
- Orange: Medium stress.
- Light Red: High stress.
- Dark Red: Critical stress.
You can click on the AVG, P95, or P100 metrics in the top left corner of the chart to view a Distribution graph for each data series, and the number of instances the metric is based on:
Each graph shows the number of items for distribution of 30 days average per hosts. Click Show Host Trends to open the Host Trends report.
Click AVG in the top left of the Hosts widget, then click a bar in the Distribution graph to open a Host Statistics report according to the selected bar and metric.
- Hosts Score. Shows total number of hosts and overall health distribution according to stress level, CPU score, memory score, disk score, or network score. By default, stress level is selected. Hover over a bar to show the percentage of hosts for each stress level.
- Hosts Score Over Time. Shows overall health distribution of hosts according to stress level, CPU, memory, disk, or network, according to the percentage of time per day. By default, stress level is selected. Hover over a bar to view the score distribution for each day.
- Hosts - Resource Usage Trends. Shows charts of hosts resource usage trends for VM Count, CPU (%), Memory(%), Disk I/O (IOPS), and Network (Gbps). You can view the charts according to average, P95, or P100. By default, average is selected. Hover over a data point in a chart to view the score distribution for each day. Click a chart name to open the Host Trends report.
- Hosts Versions. Shows distribution of hosts according to the virtualization server version. Hover over a bar to show the number of hosts for each version.
- Hosts - CPU Usage. Shows distribution of hosts according to assigned and used CPU, and the percentage of time per day. You can view the chart according to GHz or core. By default, GHz is selected. You can also view the chart according to average, P95, or P100. By default, average is selected. Hover over a bar to show the amount of assigned and used CPU for each day.
- Hosts - Memory Usage. Shows distribution of hosts according to assigned and used memory, and the percentage of time per day. You can view the charts according to average, P95, or P100. By default, average is selected. Hover over a bar to show the amount of assigned and used memory for each day.