Experience threshold settings
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    Experience threshold settings

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    Article summary

    Simply averaging an employee's experience score over time might not accurately represent their real experience because averages tend to hide brief periods with a low experience score.

    For example, let's say that your computer freezes up for 10 minutes out of every hour giving you an experience score of 2 during that time. Your computer performs perfectly for the remaining 50 minutes giving you an experience score of 10. Your average score over an hour is 8.7, which doesn't reflect the severity of the situation.

    To address this issue, ControlUp classifies an employee's experience as poor or fair based on the percentage of time spent in a poor or fair state. If an employee's experience score is poor for more than 5% of a given time period, then the employee's overall experience for that time period is classified as poor. Similarly, if an employee's experience score is fair or worse for more than 5% of a given time period, then the employee's overall experience for that time period is classified as fair. Read Employees View Overview to learn which range of scores are considered fair and poor.

    The poor threshold condition is evaluated first. For example, if your experience is poor for 6% of the time, and fair for 10% of the time, your overall experience is classified as poor.

    To customize the threshold percentages, go to Global Settings > Employees > Experience classification thresholds.

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