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PowerShell Cmdlets for Cloud Connections Management
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Version 9.1 includes the following PowerShell cmdlets to manage your cloud connections, with no need to use the Real-Time DX Console.
The ControlUp.PowerShell.User module contains the PowerShell cmdlets mentioned in this article.
What's New?
With these PowerShell cmdlets, you can manage the following cloud connections:
- ControlUp Monitor version 9.1
- The Manage All EUC Environments permission must be granted in the console Security Policy.
Manage Citrix Cloud Connections
Before you manage a cloud connection, you must first configure and add the connection to your organization tree using either PowerShell cmdlets or the Real-Time DX Console.
Lists details for all existing Citrix Cloud connections configured in your organization.
Get-CUCitrixClouds Results
If no connections are found, a message will be displayed that no Citrix Cloud connections are available. In case of success, returns list of all configured Citrix Cloud connections in your organization, that can include the following properties for each connection:
-ConnectionId <String> -CustomerId <String> [-SiteName <String>] [-Credentials <String>] [-ProxySettings <UpdateProxySettingsData> -Port <String>]
[-DataCollectorNames <String[]>]
Creates a new Citrix Cloud connection in your organization.
Add-CUCitrixCloud -Credentials <PSCredential> -CustomerId <String> -DataCollectorNames <String[]> [-SiteName <String>] [-Proxy <UpdateProxySettingsData> -Port <String>]
Add-CUCitrixCloud -Credentials CitrixCloudCreds1 -CustomerId 7ddcczh9sqsh -DataCollectorNames EMPLOYEE7-WIN-B, EMPLOYEE7-WIN-A -SiteName Default -Proxy @{
ProxyType = 'Manual'
ProxyAddress = 'localhost'
ProxyPort = 8888
Parameters | Description | Required |
-Credentials | Friendly name of the user credentials | Yes |
-CustomerId | Unique ID of the customer | Yes |
-DataCollectorNames | Provide "monitor" or specific machine name(s) to designate as ControlUp Data Collectors. If not provided, you receive results with the error "None of the given data collector names were found in the configuration." | Yes |
-SiteName | Name of the monitor site to which this connection is assigned. If not provided, the connection will be added to the default site. | No |
-ProxySettings | Proxy settings that will be used to define the connection, for example, -Port. If not provided, the default system proxy settings will be used. | No |
Updates the properties of a specific Citrix Cloud connection in your organization. You can modify the site name, credentials, proxy settings, and data collector names assigned to the connection. Parameters not provided won't be updated.
Update-CUCitrixCloud -Id <String> [-Credentials <String>] [-DataCollectorNames <String[]>] [-SiteName <String>] [-ProxySettings <UpdateProxySettingsData>]
Update-CUCitrixCloud -Id b513b1b9-f711-4e23-a413-2fa41074afd2 -Credentials CitrixCreds1 -DataCollectorNames EMPLOYEE7-WIN-B -SiteName NewSiteName -Proxy @{
ProxyType = 'Manual'
ProxyAddress = 'localhost'
ProxyPort = 8888
Parameters | Description | Required |
-ConnectionId | Unique ID for this connection, can be provided from Get-CUCitrixClouds | Yes |
-Credentials | Friendly name of the user credentials | No |
-DataCollectorNames | Provide "monitor" or specific machine name(s) to designate as ControlUp Data Collectors. If not provided, you receive results with the error "None of the given data collector names were found in the configuration." | No |
-SiteName | Name of the monitor site to which this connection is assigned | No |
-ProxySettings | Proxy settings that will be used to define the connection | No |
Add-CUCitrixCloud & Update-CUCitrixCloud Results
Writes single result object to PowerShell with the following properties:
- Error. In case of failure, the reason will be displayed.
- Success. In case of success, the ID and all updated parameters will be displayed.
Deletes an existing Citrix Cloud connection from your organization.
Remove-CUCitrixCloud -ConnectionId <String>
Remove-CUCitrixCloud -ConnectionId b513b1b9-f711-4e23-a413-2fa41074afd2
Parameters | Description | Required |
-ConnectionId | Unique ID for this connection | Yes |
Manage CVAD Cloud Connections
Creates a new CVAD cloud connection in your organization. This includes defining the broker address and broker port, specifying the site name, credentials, data collector names, and failover list.
Add-CUCitrixConnection -BrokerAddress <String> -BrokerPort <Int32> -Credentials <String> -DataCollectorNames <String[]> -FailoverList <String[]> [-SiteName <String>]
Add-CUCitrixConnection -BrokerAddress CTX-2203-BROKER.qa.local -BrokerPort 80 -Credentials qa.local\qa.admin1 -DataCollectorNames EMPLOYEE7-WIN-B -FailoverList CTX-2203Broker2.qa.local -SiteName Default
Parameters | Description | Required |
-BrokerAddress | Address of the broker to which this connection is assigned | Yes |
-BrokerPort | Address of the broker port to which this connection is assigned | Yes |
-Credentials | Friendly name of the user credentials | Yes |
-DataCollectorNames | Provide "monitor" or specific machine name(s) to designate as ControlUp Data Collectors. If not provided, you receive results with the error "None of the given data collector names were found in the configuration." | Yes |
-FailoverList | Failover list defined for this connection | No |
-SiteName | Name of the monitor site to which this connection is assigned | No |
Updates the properties of a specific CVAD cloud connection in your organization. You can modify the broker port, site name, credentials, data collector names, and failover list. Parameters not provided won't be updated.
Update-CUCitrixConnection -Id <String> [-BrokerPort <Int32>] [-Credentials <String>] [-DataCollectorNames <String[]>] [-FailoverList <String[]>] [-SiteName <String>]
Update-CUCitrixConnection -Id e2ca240f-6f15-4c55-9e72-55b0c262ee0d -BrokerPort 80 -Credentials qa.local\qa.admin1 -DataCollectorNames EMPLOYEE7-WIN-B -FailoverList CTX-2203Broker2.qa.local -SiteName Default
Parameters | Description | Required |
-Id | Unique ID for this cloud connection | Yes |
-BrokerPort | Name of the broker port to which this connection is assigned | No |
-Credentials | Friendly name of the user credentials | No |
-DataCollectorNames | Provide "monitor" or specific machine name(s) to designate as ControlUp Data Collectors. If not provided, you receive results with the error "None of the given data collector names were found in the configuration." | No |
-FailoverList | Failover list defined for this connection | No |
-SiteName | Name of the monitor site to which this connection is assigned | No |
Add-CUCitrixConnection & Update-CUCitrixConnection Results
Writes single result object to PowerShell with the following properties:
- Error. In case of failure, the reason will be displayed.
- Success. In case of success, the connection ID and all updated parameters will be displayed.
Deletes an existing CVAD cloud connection from your organization.
Remove-CUCitrixConnection -Id <String>
Remove-CUCitrixConnection -Id e2ca240f-6f15-4c55-9e72-55b0c262ee0d
Parameters | Description | Required |
-Id | Unique ID for this connection | Yes |
Manage Horizon CPA Connections
Creates a new Horizon Pod connection in your organization. You are required to define a unique pod ID, pod name, and credentials. Optionally, you can specify a site name, a list of data collectors, and a failover list for the connection servers.
Add-CUHorizonPod -Credentials <String> -Id <String> -PodName <String> [-DataCollectorNames <String[]>] [-FailoverList <String[]>] [-SiteName <String>]
Add-CUHorizonPod -Credentials qa.local\qa.admin1 -Id dba520d7-dd2b-4326-8994-56e142177f2d -PodName POD-B -DataCollectorNames EMPLOYEE7-WIN-B -FailoverList HV2312-CONN3.qa.local -SiteName Default
Parameters | Description | Required |
-Id | Unique ID for this pod | Yes |
-PodName | Name of the Horizon Pod | Yes |
-Credentials | Friendly name of the user credentials | Yes |
-DataCollectorNames | Provide "monitor" or specific machine name(s) to designate as ControlUp Data Collectors. If not provided, you receive results with the error "None of the given data collector names were found in the configuration." | No |
-DisplayName | Name of the connection to be displayed | No |
-FailoverList | Failover list defined for this connection | No |
-SiteName | Name of the monitor site to which this connection is assigned | No |
Updates the properties of a specific Horizon Pod connection in your organization. You can modify the site name, credentials, data collector names, and failover list for the connection servers. Parameters not provided won't be updated.
Update-CUHorizonPod [-Credentials <String>] -Id <String> [-DataCollectorNames <String[]>] [-FailoverList <String[]>] [-SiteName <String>]
Update-CUHorizonPod -Credentials qa.local\qa.admin1 -Id 7d4695d2-a289-5f11-8402-e1d7b3c5c937 -DataCollectorNames VICTORIAG-WIN-B -FailoverList HV2312-CONN3.qa.local -SiteName Default
Parameters | Description | Required |
-Id | Unique ID for this pod | Yes |
-Credentials | Friendly name of the user credentials | No |
-DataCollectorNames | Provide "monitor" or specific machine name(s) to designate as ControlUp Data Collectors. If not provided, you receive results with the error "None of the given data collector names were found in the configuration." | No |
-FailoverList | Failover list defined for this connection | No |
-SiteName | Name of the monitor site to which this connection is assigned | No |
Add-CUHorizonPod & Update-CUHorizonPod Results
Writes single result object to PowerShell with the following properties:
- Error. In case of failure, the reason will be displayed.
- Success. In case of success, the pod ID and all updated parameters will be displayed.
Deletes an existing Horizon Pod connection from your organization.
Remove-CUHorizonPod -Id <String>
Remove-CUHorizonPod -Id 7d4695d2-a289-5f11-8402-e1d7b3c5c937
Parameters | Description | Required |
-Id | Unique ID for this pod | Yes |