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Excluding a machine / hypervisors from the Monitor
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You can exclude specific objects like machines, hypervisors, CVAD sites, etc. from being monitored by the ControlUp Monitor.
By excluding objects from the monitor, alerting won't be applied to those machines and their data won't be displayed in the ControlUp Real-Time Console or web UI.
To exclude an object from the monitor:
Select the object that you want to exclude, for example vCenter
Right-click the object and select Properties
Change the value in the Exclude from ControlUp Monitor field to Yes
Click OK to apply the change
At this point, the monitor will disconnect from the object and you'll see it as Disconnected in the Monitored Resources tab in the monitor settings management window.
By default, the value is Inherit for all objects in the folder structure from the root folder to the lowest hierachy level. This means that if the root folder (in our case ControlUp demo) would be excluded from the monitor, all environment level objects will be excluded from the monitor, unless you have an object with No applied.