Getting Started with FSLogix in ControlUp
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    Getting Started with FSLogix in ControlUp

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    Article summary

    ControlUp ships with built-in support for FSLogix, Microsoft’s advanced profile container technology. In ControlUp, you can now monitor and manage user profiles for your virtual desktop infrastructure. In addition to the standard metrics for virtual disks, you now have access to a range of new metrics specific to FSLogix. These metrics provide valuable insights into the performance and usage of your FSLogix disks, and can be used to create custom script actions or automated actions based on this information.


    • ControlUp version 8.8 or higher

    • ControlUp Agent installed on each machine with FSLogix installed

    • The presence of Citrix Profile Management on a VDA may cause issues with FSLogix detection, we strongly recommend to remove Citrix Profile Management from VDAs if it is not used.

      When installing the VDA you can exclude Citrix Profile Management components, either via the UI or via command line (Instructions on how to exclude these components can be found here):

      • Citrix Profile Management
      • Citrix Profile Management WMI Plug-in


    After upgrading the ControlUp Agent, it is strongly advised to restart the machine to ensure that all changes and updates are applied correctly.


    When working with our FSLogix integration, you can decide to disable the FSLogix data collection or to change the data collection interval for Remote Share metrics.

    Enable or Disable FSLogix Collection

    By default, the ControlUp Agent collects FSLogix data from any Windows machine. If required, you can disable FSLogix data collection by creating a new registry key on the agent machine:

    • Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Smart-X\ControlUp\Agent
    • Value: DisableFSLogixCollection
    • Data Type: REG_DWORD
    • Value Data: 1

    If this key is missing or set to 0, FSLogix data collection is enabled.

    Change Update Interval for Remote Share Metrics

    Some FSLogix metrics are updated by default every 5 minutes. You can change the update interval by creating the following registry key:

    • Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Smart-X\ControlUp\Agent
    • Value: FsLogixRefreshTimeInSeconds
    • Data Type: REG_DWORD
    • Value Data: 300

    We recommend caution when reducing FSLogix data collection intervals, it may cause reduced performance of the storage platform hosting your FSLogix containers.

    For more information, see the Update Frequency column in the Metrics Overview section.

    Accessing FSLogix Metrics

    Web UI

    Click a virtual machine that has an FSLogix disk attached. While you can already see FSLogix columns at the machine level, you will find more detailed information on your FSLogix disks when you click the FSLogix button that is displayed when a user profile is logged in to the machine.

    The FSLogix disks attached to the selected machine are displayed after clicking the button.

    The FSLogix overview page is divided into two sections:

    • General overview of all FSLogix disks attached to the selected machine, along with a real-time grid to drill down into the information.
    • Real-Time grid view in the FSLogix Containers section providing detailed information of the FSLogix disks.

    Real-Time DX Console

    There are two ways to access FSLogix from the console:

    • Double-click a machine to see active sessions on the machine and click the FSLogix Disks tab to see all FSLogix on the selected machine.
    • Navigate to Storage > FSLogix Disks to see all attached FSLogix disks of your connected VMs

    Interpreting FSLogix Metrics

    In the following chapter, you will find a table containing all FSLogix metrics. While some of the metrics may not be immediately clear, more detailed information will be provided in this chapter to help clarify their meaning.

    Current Size (OS)

    Shows the used space of the disk volume, reported by the operating system.

    Current Size

    The Current Size metric shows the real size of the virtual disk. It is the difference between the disk capacity and the reported free space.

    The size of the virtual disk reflects the value in the Current Size metric.

    % FSLogix Size Variance

    This metric shows the percentage difference between the real size of the virtual disk and the disk size reported by the operating system.


    The variance in this example is 489%, indicating that the size of the container is excessively large and larger than necessary. The first container exceeds its intended size by a significant amount, using 5.02 GB on the disk instead of the expected 872 MB.

    To avoid overprovisioning, a recommended solution would be to reclaim whitespace inside the disk. In our example, the disk size after reclaiming would decrease from 5.02 GB to 872 MB.

    % FSLogix Disk % Empty Blocks

    Empty blocks are blocks in a disk that no longer contain data, but consume space. In our example above, if the current size of the disk is 5.02 GB and the reported size by the OS is 872 MB, then the percentage of empty blocks is about 83%.

    FSLogix Disk Compacted Size

    Matches the value of Current Size (OS) and reflects the potential disk space that could be reclaimed by removing empty blocks (compression).


    The Health metric of a FSLogix disk is a general health indicator which is determined by the free space (column % Free Space) and empty blocks on the FSLogix disk (column FSLogix % Empty Blocks)

    • Warning
      • % Free Space <= 10% or
      • FSLogix % Empty Blocks >= 80%
    • Critical
      • % Free Space <= 5% or
      • FSLogix % Empty Blocks >= 90%
    • Healthy
      • All other conditions

    FSLogix Disk Compaction State

    This metrics shows you if the currently installed FSLogix Agent supports Disk Compaction.

    • Fully Compatible. If the FSLogix Agent is 2.9.8308.44092 or higher and the start type of the defragmentation service is Automatic or Manual.
    • Incompatible Version. If the FSLogix Agent version is lower than 2.9.8308.44092
    • Defragmentation Service Is Disabled. If the start type of the defragmentation service is disabled.

    FSLogix Metrics Overview

    The Machines and FSLogix Disks view allows access to FSLogix metrics. The table below provides a comprehensive overview of all FSLogix metrics, including virtual disks metrics. While some of these metrics may not be new to FSLogix, they are still included for reference.

    Metric NameDescriptionUpdate Frequency
    FSLogix Disks
    % Free SpaceThe percentage of free space available on the disk volumeEvery 5 minutes
    % Free Space (OS)The percentage of free space available on the disk volume, as reported by the operating systemEvery 3 seconds
    % FSLogix Size Variance The percentage difference in current size reported by the operating system, and the correct current size which includes Empty BlocksEvery 5 minutes
    Avg. Disk Bytes/ReadThe average number of bytes read from the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    Avg. Disk Bytes/TransferThe average number of bytes transferred to or from the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    Avg. Disk Bytes/WriteThe average number of bytes written to the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    Avg. Disk Queue LengthAverage number of read and write requests queued for the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    Avg. Disk Read Queue LengthAverage number of read and write requests queued for the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    Avg. Disk Write Queue LengthAverage number of write requests queued for the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    CapacityThe total storage capacity of the disk volumeEvery 5 minutes
    Current Disk Queue LengthThe number of outstanding requests on the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    Current sizeThe current size of the disk volumeEvery 5 minutes
    Current size (OS)The current size of the disk volume, as reported by the operating systemEvery 3 seconds
    Disk KBpsThe rate kilobytes are transferred to or from the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    Disk NameThe name of the logical disk volumeDuring logon
    Disk Read KBpsThe rate kilobytes are read from the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    Disk Reads/secThe rate of read operations on the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    Disk Transfers/secDisk Transfers/sec is the rate of read and write operations on the disk. (Disk Transfers / sec performance counter)Every 3 seconds
    Disk Write KBpsThe rate kilobytes are written to the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    Disk Writes/secThe rate kilobytes are written to the logical diskEvery 3 seconds
    File SystemThe file system using which the disk volume was formattedEvery 3 seconds
    Free SpaceThe amount of free space available on the disk volumeEvery 5 minutes
    Free Space (OS)The amount free space available on the disk volume, as reported by the operating systemEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Disk % Empty BlocksPercentage of empty blocks in the disk, if the disk is thin provisioned compacting removes the empty blocks and reduces the disk size on the shareEvery 5 minutes
    FSLogix Disk Compacted Size The potential size the disk can be with empty blocks reclaimedEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Disk Mount EndThe time FSLogix completed the disk mountDuring logon
    FSLogix Disk Mount StartThe time FSLogix began to mount the diskDuring logon
    FSLogix Disk Mount Total TimeThe time taken by FSLogix to mount the diskDuring logon
    FSLogix Disk TypeFSLogix container type, Profile or OfficeDuring logon
    FSLogix PathThe remote path where the FSLogix disk is hostedDuring logon
    HealthThe current health of the disk volumeEvery 3 seconds
    MachineName of the machine the disk belongs to
    Office Log File Size The current size of the FSLogix Office log fileEvery 3 seconds
    Profile Log File Size The current size of the FSLogix profile log fileEvery 3 seconds
    Split IO/SecThe rate at which I/Os to the logical disk were split into multiple I/OsEvery 3 seconds
    Thin ProvisionedIndicates whether thin provisioning is enabled for the virtual diskEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix % Enforced App Masking Rules*Percentage of local App Masking rules enforced on the machineEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix % Healthy Office Containers*Percentage of FSLogix Office containers in a healthy stateEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix % Healthy Profile Containers*Percentage of FSLogix Profile containers in a healthy stateEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix % Successful Disk Compaction Events*Percentage of successful compaction events in the past 24 hoursEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix App Masking Enforced RulesNumber of enforced App Masking RulesEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix App Masking HealthHealth of your FSLogix App Masking, available States are Healthy/UnhealthyEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix App Masking RulesNumber of App Masking RulesEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Average Mount Time*The calculated average mount time for all sessions using FSLogixEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Cloud Cache Paths (Office)Path(s) used for FSLogix Cloud Cache Office ContainersEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Cloud Cache Paths (Profile)Path(s) used for FSLogix Cloud Cache Profile ContainersEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Container Count*Number of FSLogix containers currently in useEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Disk Compaction CompatibilityWhich (if any) prerequisite components are not set up correctly to support FSLogix Disk CompactionEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Disk Compaction StateVHD Disk Compaction ensures your users FSLogix containers remain as small as possible, it is enabled by default and is recommended in all deploymentsEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix HealthThe health of FSLogix on the machineEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Last UpdatedDate of the last FSLogix version changeEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Office Container Count*Number of FSLogix Office containers currently mounted to the machineEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Office Container Maximum SizeMaximum size for FSLogix Profile ContainersEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Office Container PathPath used for FSLogix Office ContainersEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Office Container Provisioning TypeThe provisioning method of the profile container, possible values are Thin (container uses the minimum space and grows as required) or Thick (container is a fixed size)Every 3 seconds
    FSLogix Office Container Volume TypeVirtual Disk type used by FSLogix Office ContainersEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Office Containers Average Mount Time*Average mount time of FSLogix Office Containers for FSLogix Disks on the machineEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Office Containers StateFSLogix Office Containers enabled stateEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Profile Container Count*Number of FSLogix Profile containers currently mounted to the machineEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Profile Container Maximum SizeMaximum size for FSLogix Profile ContainersEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Profile Container PathPath used for FSLogix Profile ContainersEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Profile Container Provisioning TypeThe provisioning method of the profile container, possible values are Thin (container uses the minimum space and grows as required) or Thick (container is a fixed size)Every 3 seconds
    FSLogix Profile Container Volume TypeVirtual Disk type used by FSLogix Profile ContainersEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Profile Containers Average Mount Time*Average mount time of FSLogix Profile Containers for FSLogix Disks on the machineEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Profile Containers StateFSLogix Profile Containers StateEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix ServiceStatus of the FSLogix serviceEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix StateThe state of FSLogix on the machineEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Total Container Size*The calculated total size of FSLogix containers (used space)Every 3 seconds
    FSLogix Total Disk Compaction Events*FSLogix Disk Compaction eventsEvery 3 seconds
    FSLogix Total Office Container Size*The calculated total size of FSLogix Office containers (used space)Every 3 seconds
    FSLogix Total Profile Container Size*The calculated total size of FSLogix Profile containers (used space)Every 3 seconds
    FSLogix VersionInstalled version of FSLogixEvery 3 seconds
    * From version 9.0, can be used in dashboards at any folder level.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Does it support monitoring of RW difference disks?
    A: At this time RW differencing disks are not supported, full support is on our roadmap.

    Q: The FSLogix columns for Mount Time and Path are shown as N/A or blank.
    A: Mount Time and Path are calculated at logon. Currently, we do not perform a redetect if the session was running when the agent was restarted or upgraded. To see those values, the session would need to be logged off/on.

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