Invoke-CUAction: Run an Action
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    Invoke-CUAction: Run an Action

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    Article Summary


    With the Invoke-CUAction cmdlet, you can run an action as you would do from the Real-Time DX console or in the web UI.


    Invoke-CUAction [-ActionId] <string> [-Table] <string> [[-UserInput] <string>] [-RecordsGuids] <string[]> [<CommonParameters>]

    How to run

    1. Import the ControlUp.PowerShell.User module into your PowerShell session
    $pathtomodule = (Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files\Smart-X\ControlUpMonitor\*ControlUp.PowerShell.User.dll" -Recurse | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending)[0]
    Import-Module $pathtomodule
    1. Execute the cmdlet by providing the required input parameters to trigger a specific operation on a particular item, such as user sessions, machines, processes, and so on.
    Invoke-CUAction -ActionId b636f434-2843-4a5c-a21a-eed7a02d0946 -RecordsGuids e99b0de6-2b0f-495a-ba0e-3d1c1dfe88d9 -Table Sessions

    Input parameters

    ActionIDThe ID of the action. You can retrieve this action by issuing the Get-CUAvailableActions cmdletString
    TableThe table property of the action, see property table of the output sectionString
    UserInputThe user input of the actionString
    RecordGuidsThe user input of the actionString[]


    IdInternal IDString
    RequestIdInternal use. Each action that is invoked gets its own Request IDString
    OperationIdSame as RequestIDString
    UpdateTimeThe timestamp of the messageDecimal
    SubjectIdShows the RecordGUID (as specified in the script input parameter "RecordsGuids"String
    SubjectDescriptiveShows record informationString
    IsAdvancedInternal useString
    RecordIdSame as SubjectIdString
    StartedIndicates if the action was startedBoolean
    RecordDescriptiveShows record informationString
    NodeIdThe internal ID of the monitor nodeString
    RequestingMonitorShows the monitor from which the PowerShell cmdlet was executedString
    LocationOn which machine was the action executedString
    ResultShows the result of the action. Possible values are: "None", "Success", "Warning", "CompleteWithError", or "Error"String
    OutputShows the action outputString
    ErrorMessageShows the execution contextString
    ErrorCodeError Code (see section below)Integer
    TimeoutIf action runs into a timeout, it is shown hereString

    How to run

    In this example, we show you how to run the Analyze Logon Duration script on a user session.

    1. Retrieve the ActionID and the Table.

      $actions = Get-CUAvailableActions
      $ALD = $actions | Where-Object {$_.Title -eq 'Analyze Logon Duration'} | select-object Id, Title, Table


    2. You can see that the ALD script needs to run on a user session. To get session information, we make use of the Invoke-CUQuery cmdlet which is a powerful method to retrieve real-time information from the monitor's in-memory database.

      (Invoke-CUQuery -Scheme Main -Table Sessions -fields sUserAccount, eConnectState, sServerName -TranslateEnums -Where "sUserAccount = '[domain]\[username]'" -sort eConnectState).Data


    3. Now, let's grab this sessionID and assign it to the $ALD variable and add it as a property

      $userSession = (Invoke-CUQuery -Scheme Main -Table Sessions -fields sUserAccount, eConnectState, sServerName -TranslateEnums -Where "sUserAccount = '[domain]\[username]'" -sort eConnectState).Data
    4. The ALD script requires input parameters which we need to provide to the Invoke-CUAction cmdlet. To collect all input parameters for the ALD script, we can use the Get-CUActionSignature cmdlet.

      Get-CUActionSignature -ActionId $ALD.Id


    5. Now we have all input parameters for the Invoke-CUAction cmdlet. Let's run the action:

    Invoke-CUAction -ActionId b636f434-2843-4a5c-a21a-eed7a02d0946 -RecordsGuids db421154-361e-4054-85f6-bcdbd23c7b43 -Table Sessions -UserInput '"{\"arg_0\":\"-DomainUser\",\"arg_2\":\"-CUDesktopLoadTime\",\"arg_4\":\"-SessionId\",\"arg_6\":\"-SessionName\",\"arg_8\":\"-ClientName\"}"'


    Error codes

    Below, you can find the API error code that is returned for each request. If the returned error code is 0, it indicates that the action was successfully executed.

    Error CodeDescription
    1001Instruction Not Found
    1002Record Not Found
    1003Invalid Certificate
    1004Invalid Signature
    1005Invalid Request
    1006Invalid Request Time
    1010Failed Resolving Credentials From Cache
    1011Credential Key Not Found
    1021Instruction Denied
    1022Local Admin Denied
    1023User Denied
    1024Permission Error
    1030Monitor Not Found
    1040Internal Error
    1041Failed To Execute
    1042No action to execute
    1043Invalid entity type for this instruction
    1044Error occurs on create action
    1045Argument missing
    1046Duplicated action
    1047Invalid entity for this instruction


    Example 1 - Run an action that requires user credentials

    For some actions, you need to provide user credentials that are stored in your Credentials Store.

    1. Get the ActionID with the Get-CUAvailableActions cmdlet

    2. Use the Get-CUCredentials cmdlet to retrieve the key of the shared credential

    3. Use the Get-CUComputers cmdlet to retrieve the ID of the machine on which the action should run. In our example, we run the Get Citrix Connection Failures action which needs to run on a Citrix Delivery Controller.

      Get-CUComputers | where {$_.FQDN -eq 'CUXENDDC-19A.controlUp.demo'}


    4. Retrieve the input parameters for the action

      Get-CUActionSignature -ActionId c65e3712-2c27-4bf5-a08b-686d48da5b0b

      As you can see, this action has two input parameters:

    5. Replace the default value "1" with "2" and run the action

      Invoke-CUAction -ActionId "c65e3712-2c27-4bf5-a08b-686d48da5b0b" -Table "Computers" -RecordsGuids "63e8be03-595b-4b6b-8eba-4faee44045ec" -UserInput '"{\"arg_1\":\"2\", \"creds\": { \"saved\" : true, \"user\" : \"\", \"domain\" : \"\", \"cypher\" : \"\", \"monitor\" : \"\", \"keyId\" : \"dede1f6f-490b-4b97-b9c9-99799021494b\", \"publicKey\" : \"\"}}"' 

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